Skintimate Make It Happen Contest!
Hi Darlings, I hope you all are having a great week so far! I am still on cloud nine from the excitement and amazing success of this years conference. I work so hard for months organizing this event that at the end of it I am exhausted, but thrilled. I have always loved to motivate and inspire women, and although I do this on the blog and via my social media outlets I desire to do more. One of my personal and professional goals has always been to write a book and so few months ago I was approached about doing just that. Â I decided that I had spent too much time talking about writing a book and no time actually doing it. This year I plan to focus on accomplishing that goal and turn my dream of being an author into reality! I cant wait to walk into a bookstore and see my books on the shelves.
I also have an ongoing personal goal that I keep with me all the time, and that is to be the best person that I can be and to learn and grow from my mistakes. So often we beat ourselves up about the things that have happened in our past that we fail to see the good things in our current situation. I try always to remember that I can’t change the past, but every day that I wake up I have a chance to right my wrongs and be the best mom, wife, friend, daughter that I can be.
Part of my morning routine to wake up refreshed and ready for the day is to jump in the shower. I love standing under the warm water reflecting on what I have to accomplish that day. Part of that morning ritual is making sure that I have the products I love on hand including my Skintimate© Signature Scents! have you smelled them?  Not only are they made with revitalizing moisturizers, vitamins and olive butter but they smell so good and leave my legs so unbelievably soft and healthy.

Waking up to the luscious scents always puts me in a good mood and helps me start my day energized and inspired to tackle my day. There are several amazing signature scents like Raspberry Rain, Strawberry Tangerine Twist, Mandarin Burst, Flirty Mango and my personal favorite, Tropical Splash.
Now let me share how you can WIN a years supply of Skintimate® Shave Gel and $5,000 to turn your dream into reality!! Here is what you need to do:
Upload a photo or short video that best represent your aspirations, dreams and goals to
Choose one of three categories for submission: School/Career, Personal passion and good deeds; each category will have one-photo and one-video winner!
Contest will run from August 6 to Sept. 9, 2014 and six winners will be announced the week of September 22nd.
For more information and contest rules, please visit
link to the official rules:Â

This post is sponsored by Skintimate, who provided their products to me for free. I only recommend products I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising.

I hope you are all inspired!