My Fuzzy Pink Sweater + Winter Pastels
Hi Darlings, I feel like time is flying by way too fast right now! I have not even begun to do my Christmas shopping so I really need to get started. I am also so excited because I am flying Chastidy (our oldest) in to spend Christmas with us, and with her busy schedule at the salon I am thankful she could take the time off. She couldn’t make it home for Thanksgiving this year so she has requested that I cook when she arrives, lol.
The weather here in Nebraska has been temperamental to say the least, it was a warm 61 degrees one day and 19 the next. I am getting use to the cold and honestly it’s not that bad when you work at home and can choose to hibernate through the really cold days. This #OOTD was perfect for the 61 degree weather we had, so I took full advantage of my pink fuzzy sweater and winter pastel shoes and bag.

H&M Pink Sweater (option) HERE, HERE or HERE / Kate Spade Winter White Bag (option) HERE or HERE / Aldo Shoes “NEMYRA” in Pink and Grey HERE & HERE / F21 Floral Jeans (old) / Tip: Buy a size or two larger in sweaters for a slouchy look
