HI DARLINGS! I was so excited when I got an email from OLD NAVY asking if I would like to collaborate on the #OLDNAVYACTIVE campaign. Aside from the AMAZING activewear like my “Gym Hair Don’t Care” Graphic Tank and these amazing Go-Dry Compression Crops! which of course I had to share, I was most excited about the ability to challenge myself to get active and then inspire YOU to join me!
Here is the deal, I am challenging myself for 30 days and I want you to challenge yourself too! Here is how I am going to do it…
Everyday I am going to simply MOVE! get my blood flowing and start building endurance by doing a micro workout. I even put it on video for you.
I am going to eat cleaner. I have a terrible habit of not eating all day and then stuffing my face at the end of the day. NO MORE! I am going to eat small meals throughout the day of “good for me” foods.
Drink water! I use to be good at this but over the last year I have become so busy with my business that I have totally neglected my health.
I am using 8lb weights in the video but you can use whatever weight you are comfortable with. I do each move for one minute each but if you want to ease in even more you can do each one for 30 seconds and the following week go up to one minute. I do jumping jacks, bicep curls, tricep extensions, narrow squats and wide squats. Take it easy, drink water and play loud music, LOL!
So now that you know what the challenge is here is the video and below are some tips to keep you motivated.
BTW, the Go-Dry Compression Crops I have on in the video are EVERYTHING! Not only do they keep my body dry and cool but they keep things in place while I work out and they are high-waisted. I am wearing a size medium in the crops and a small in the Go-Dry Fitted Seamless Tank.
Scenery can make a huge difference in your motivation so I like to take my stretching and jogging outdoors. There is a really nice park near my office so I like to go there because there are other folks working out, jogging, fast walking etc and it motivates me to keep going.

I know it may sound silly but how you look while you work out really does help! I like to be “cute” because it makes me feel better and therefore I do better. OLD NAVY makes the cute part easy with their new activewear line which you can find HERE
Have fun! If you don’t like working out with videos or at the gym just find something you do like. I love to dance so some days I put on music and dance around for 10 minutes or I get the kids and we chase each other around the yard. You just need to get ACTIVE!
Most of all being active helps clear your mind, makes you feel better and gives you so much more energy.
I promise a 5 minute micro workout, some clean eating and plenty of water is going to make us feel GREAT! You ready to join me? What do you like to do in place of traditional workouts?
