HI DARLINGS! I have been asked a lot about saving and downloading the issues of SEW SEW DEF after you purchase the digital copy so I wanted to clarify that YES YOU CAN SAVE AND DOWNLOAD 😉 I know many of you are not sure how to go about that so let me show you really quickly.
I love downloading issues of digital magazines I purchase because that way you have it on your computer or phone or tablet for viewing anytime without having to log in and out of the platform we use ( Now yes there are some benefits to logging into your account to view the magazine because some links and videos are interactive and in a download version of the magazine you obviously don’t have the clickable options but it is good to have both so here is how you can download and save your issues of SEW SEW DEG MAGAZINE.
DOWNLOAD ADOBE READER! Ok yes, you can open and view a PDF with many different programs but to get the full benefit of the two-page layout just like when reading a book ADOBE is the best way to do it and it is a FREE DOWNLOAD HERE.
Log into your account and click on the magazine issue you want to download.
On the left-hand side, you will see some symbols including an arrow pointing down (as seen in the image below) it says “DOWNLOAD PDF” click on it and a PDF book version of the magazine will start to download on your computer. Please make sure you are connected to high-speed internet and be patient as depending on the speed of your wifi it could take several minutes to download.

After it downloads, OPEN ADOBE READER! then click File>Open and select the PDF download from wherever you saved it.

Once the magazine is open you just have a few more clicks to make sure you are reading it as two page, this way you enjoy it the way you would if it were in print.

Click View>Page Display > Two Page View AND make sure “Show Cover Page In Two Page View” is selected. Now you can view the magazine as it is intended 😉 You can save the file to your computer where it is best viewed for reading purposes. (Please note in iBooks you do not have the ability to view two page)
