Easy DIY Necklace Display
Hi Darlings, I almost forgot to share this quick and easy DIY necklace display. While putting together my closet I needed to find a way to hang my more delicate necklaces, and I didn’t want to just add them to wall hooks, peg boards, etc. I wanted to create some sort of wall art. I grabbed this canvas print I had in storage and got creative. Now the canvas print serves two purposes, wall art and display! It was so super simple, so if you are interested I took some pics..enjoy!

Grab a canvas print, a hammer and some nail heads

Take a marker and make a dot 1/2″ apart and make sure you are nailing into the wood piece of the canvas (along the edge) hammer one nail head at a time until you get all the way across.

Start hanging your necklaces making sure to balance the weight on the ends until they are all on.

Once you are done hang it up! I added a nail head to each top corner too so I could hang other pieces too. Now when I look at it it’s not just pretty but functional and easy to grab and go.
